Privacy Policy

Power Stores E-Commerce Private Limited and PowerStores E-Commerce Limited, d/b/a (‘Company’, ‘we’, ‘us’ ‘our’) is committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring you have a positive experience while browsing our website, ‘’ or '' (“Website”), and using any of the services of Company, including but not limited to setting up a website or e-commerce store (“Service”/”Services”). This policy outlines our personal information handling practices for both online and offline data. If you give us personal information, we will treat it according to this policy. By accessing or using our Website and/or Service, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to be bound to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Acknowledgment and Acceptance of Privacy Policy
In this Policy, references to "you", "User" shall mean the end User accessing the Website, its contents and using the Services offered by Company.

We encourage you to read this policy to ensure you understand Company’s privacy practices.

We adhere to the following principles to protect your privacy:
•    We do not rent or sell your Personally Identifiable Information to third parties for any purposes. 
•    We share your contact information with another User or third party only upon your consent. 
•    Any Personally Identifiable Information that you provide will be secured with industry standard protocols and technology. 

If Company undertakes any modifications to this privacy policy, we will highlight the same on our homepage and for any material change made, we also aim to send you an email notification of the same. To continue using the Website and Services post such changes or modifications, you will be required to accept this Privacy Policy once again by clicking on ‘Accept/Agree’ tab.

1. Personal Information collected:  

To provide our Services, Company collects some information from the Users. We collect your personal information in the following ways when personally submitted by you:

a. Registration:  
In order to become a User, you must first create an account on our Website. To create an account you are required to provide the following information, which you recognize and expressly acknowledge as personal information allowing others, including Company, to identify you: name, User ID, email address, country, ZIP/postal code, phone number, password chosen by you and valid financial account information (‘Personally Identifiable Information’). Other information may be requested on our Registration page, including the ability to receive promotional offers. We may, in the future, include other optional requests for information from you to help us to customize the Website and/or Service to deliver personalized information to you. Without your consent, we will not share, rent or sell any personal information with third parties in any way other than what is disclosed in this Privacy Policy. Information listed above in some cases may be mandatory, depending upon the nature of Company Services you have chosen.

b. Company Payment System
Our Payment Service requires Users to pay with a credit card, wire transfer, debit card or cheque. We will collect your credit card number and/or other financial institution information such as bank account numbers and will use that information for the billing and payment processes, including but not limited to the use and disclosure of such credit card number and information to third parties as necessary to complete such billing operation. Verification of credit information, however, is accomplished solely by the User through the authentication process. We will share your personal information as necessary for third parties to provide some of these services, only after previously notifying you about such requirement. These companies do not retain, share, store or use Personally Identifiable Information for any other purposes.

1.    The Services will be billed as per the Company’s policy, subject to your choice of subscription plan. When you subscribe for the Services, Company shall send an invoice via email. An invoice will also appear on the account page of your administration console (account page). Users have approximately two weeks to bring up and settle any issues with the billing.
2.    All fees are exclusive of all federal, provincial, state or other governmental sales, goods and services, harmonized or other taxes, fees or charges now in force or enacted in the future (“Taxes”). 
3.    In the event a payment is not received by the due date set forth on an invoice, a late fee of one and a half percent (1.5%) shall be assessed against overdue amounts.
4.    Company does not provide refunds.

c. Log files, IP addresses and information about your computer
Due to the communications standards on the Internet, when you visit the Company Website or use the Service, we automatically receive the URL of the site from which you came and the site to which you are going when you leave Company. We also receive the Internet protocol (IP) address of your computer (or the proxy server you use to access the World Wide Web), your computer operating system and type of web browser you are using, email patterns, as well as the name of your ISP. This information is used to analyze overall trends to help us improve the Company service. The linkage between your IP address and your Personally Identifiable Information is not shared with third-parties without your permission or except when required by law.  

d. Cookies and Web Beacons
Like most websites, Company uses cookies and web log files to track site usage. We use cookies to improve the quality of our service by storing User preferences and tracking User trends. In the course of serving advertisements or optimizing services to our Users, we may allow authorized third parties to place or recognize a unique cookie on your browser. Company does not store Personally Identifiable Information in the cookies.
We may allow other companies, to serve advertisements to Users. These companies include third party ad servers, ad agencies, ad technology vendors and research firms. Company may “target” some ads to Users that fit a certain general profile.  Company does NOT use Personally Identifiable Information to target ads.

e. Processing information about you and modification of such information
All the information you provide to Company, including sensitive personal information, is voluntary. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, by providing us written intimation of such intention, in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy and the User agreement, but please note that your withdrawal of consent will not be retroactive.
You can access, modify, correct and eliminate the data about you which has been collected pursuant to your decision to become a User. If you update any of your information, we may keep a copy of the information which you originally provided to us in our archives for uses documented herein. We take your rights seriously and encourage you to use them if you deem this to be appropriate. You may exercise these rights by emailing us at

f. External links
This Privacy Policy applies to web sites and services that are owned and operated by Company. We do not exercise control over the sites displayed as search results or links from within our various services. These other sites may place their own cookies or other files on your computer, collect data or solicit personal information from you, for which Company is not responsible or liable. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of those websites.

2. Uses of Personal Information:
We will not share your Personally Identifiable Information with other parties except as provided below. Other information that does not personally identify you as an individual, is collected by Company from Users (such as, patterns of utilization described above) and is exclusively owned by Company. This information can be utilized by Company in such manner as Company, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate.

a. Sharing your information with Certified third party service provider and Government Authorities:
We provide some of our services and products through third parties. We shall share your Personally Identifiable Information with the Government Authorities and Certified Authorities to fulfil Orders. We may also collect personal information from individuals and companies (“Affiliates”) with whom we have business relationships and may have to also share their information with Service Providers to accomplish the Services. For example, when you order a service, we release your credit card information to the card-issuing bank to confirm payment for the service. Likewise, we may release an Affiliate’s information to our bank to send out a payment. However, the use of your Personally Identifiable Information by such parties is governed by the privacy policies of such parties and is not subject to our control.

b. Communication and Update
Company will communicate with you through email and notices posted on the Company’ Website or through other means available through the service, including text and other forms of messaging. You can change your e-mail and contact preferences at any time by logging into your account admin page and changing the account settings, or by emailing

c. Legal Disclaimer
It is possible that we may need to disclose personal information when required by law, such as responses to civil or criminal subpoenas, or other requests by law enforcement personnel. We will disclose such information wherein we have a good-faith belief that it is necessary to comply with a court order, ongoing judicial proceeding, subpoena, or other legal process or request to Company brought in any country throughout the world, or to exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims.

d. Disclosures to others
We may also disclose your personal and other information you provide to another third party as part of reorganization or a sale of the assets of a Company corporation division or company. Any third party to which we transfer or sell Company’ assets will have the right to continue to use the personal and other information that you provide to us.

e. Other uses:
•    Providing our Products and Services to Users, including the display of customized content and advertising; 
•    Auditing, research and analysis in order to maintain, protect and improve our services; 
•    Ensuring the technical functioning of our network; and 
•    Developing new services. 

f. Disclosure of non-personally identifiable information:
We may disclose or share non-personally identifiable information with partners, affiliates and advertisers. For example, we may share aggregated demographic information (which does not include any personally identifiable information) with third party advertisers and other parties as provided below:

We may use third party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our Website and/or use our Services. These companies may use such information about your visits to this and other websites in order to provide, through the use of network tags, advertisements about goods and services that may be of interest to you. We may track and analyze Website and Service usage and other statistical information to administer our Website and Service and constantly improve its quality. We may also publish this information for promotional purposes or as a representative audience for advertisers. 

3. our choice in managing your information

a. Closing your account
You can also close your account with Company by notifying us in writing. On closure, we will remove your User Content from public view. We may retain certain data contributed by you if we believe it may be necessary to prevent fraud or future abuse, or for legitimate business purposes, such as analysis of aggregated, non-personally identifiable data, account recovery, or if required by law. To request that we close your account and remove your information from the Service, please send your request to  
We encourage you to promptly update your Personally Identifiable Information if it changes. You may ask to have the information on your account deleted or removed; however, because we keep track of past transactions, you cannot delete information associated with past transactions on the Website or Service. In addition, it may be impossible for us to completely delete all of your information because we periodically take back-up of information stored and available.

1.    If you cancel the Services in the middle of the month, you will receive a closing invoice via email. Once all outstanding invoices have been paid, you will not be charged again. Please note in case of failure to do so, Company shall charge a penalty in the form of interest to be charged on such due payment.
2.    Fraud: Without limiting any other remedies, Company may suspend or terminate your account if we suspect that you (by conviction, settlement, insurance or escrow investigation, or otherwise directly or indirectly) have engaged in fraudulent activity in connection with the Website or Service.

b. Retrieval of information
Company internally has a process on information security and your information being accessed only by those who are authorised. In situations where you accidentally delete your information and would like to retrieve, then this core team may access the stored database and recover the same. Please be aware that this team may have to go through your personal information in order to restore the information sought by you.

c. Other Administrative activities
As a condition of purchase of our Services, Company may send you administrative and promotional emails. We will send you information regarding your account activity as well as updates about our products and promotional offers. You cannot opt-out of administrative emails. “Administrative Emails” relate to a User’s activity on the Website and Service, and include emails regarding a particular User’s account, requests or inquiries, and purchases of products and services. In contrast to Administrative Emails, however, you do have a choice with respect to Promotional Emails. Promotional Emails advertise our products and services, including exclusive sales and other offers, and/or the products and services of our Advertisers and Affiliates. If you do not want to receive Promotional Emails from us, you may elect to opt-out of receiving Promotional Emails at any time after registering by e-mailing us at, by writing to us at the address contained herein, or by hitting the “unsubscribe” button at the bottom of any of our e-mails. When contacting us, please indicate your name, address, email address, and what Promotional Emails you do not want to receive.

4. Minors
Any individual below 18 years is not eligible to use our Service and we hereby request children below this age group not to submit any personal information to us or use the service. If you are under 18, you may become a User of Company only with the involvement of a parent or guardian.

5. Information Security
We take security seriously and take numerous precautions to protect the security of personally identifiable information. You can access your Personally Identifiable Information on your website/store through a password and your email address. This password is encrypted. We recommend that you do not share your password with anyone. In addition, your Personally Identifiable Information resides on a secure server that only selected personnel and contractors have access to.
Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet or any wireless network can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while we employ commercially reasonable security measures to protect data and seek to partner with companies which do the same, we cannot guarantee the security of any information transmitted to or from the Website and/or Service, and are not responsible for the actions of any third parties that may receive any such information
We take appropriate security measures to protect against unauthorized access to or unauthorized alteration, disclosure or destruction of data. These include internal reviews of our data collection, storage and processing practices and security measures, as well as physical security measures to guard against unauthorized access to systems where we store personal data.

6. User’s Obligations
i.    You must, at all times, respect the terms and conditions of the then-current Privacy Policy and the Terms of Service. This includes respecting all intellectual property rights which may belong to third parties. 
ii.    You must not download or otherwise disseminate any information which may be deemed to be injurious, violent, offensive, racist or xenophobic or which may otherwise violate the purpose and spirit of Company and its community of Users. 
iii.    You must not provide information to Company and /or other Users which you believe might be injurious or detrimental to your person, professional or social status. 
Any violation of these guidelines may lead to the restriction, suspension or termination of your account by Company, as we take these principles seriously and consider them to be the basis on which our Users adhere to the Company Website and the Services which it offers.

7. Changes to this Privacy Policy
Company reserves the right to amend or update such terms and conditions, on the Website, therefore it is expected of you to frequently visit the terms so that you are always aware of such changes. In the event there are significant changes in the way we treat your personally identifiable information, we will display a notice on the Website or send you an email, as provided for above. Unless stated otherwise, our current Privacy Policy applies to all information that we have about you and your account.
You shall be required to accept the modified terms of Privacy Policy, in case you intend to use the services post changes.

8. Contact details.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us through our Website by clicking the "contact us" link.

Last update :  26 October, 2015